Let's start by back tracking to late March. It's 5:05 and I have a meeting at 5:30. I decide to quickly check my email while I'm getting ready to leave, and WHAM! I start screaming my head off and freaking out and jumping up and down on my knees on my bed (too tall to do that standing up). Why am I having a spaz attack, you ask? Well only because I found out I got the student staff position I applied for!
What has two thumbs and is working in Defoe-Graham next year?? THIS GIRL! Ok, probably everyone else working there has two thumbs too, but I haven't met them yet, so I don't want to judge.
Anyway, these last few weeks have been filled with a bucket full of emails and a handful of staff training already. It's a little overwhelming just how much work PAs have to do to get ready for next fall. And I'm not trying to hate on CAs and LAs but you have it so EASY right now! While you sit quietly through one training session, we have extras AND meetings with our cofacs AND writing a syllabus to worry about.
Ok quick guide to Mizzou lingo for those not familiar:
PA- Peer Advisor- lives in the residence hall with students, and also teaches a class to about 15-20 of those residents called a FIG (freshman interest group)
CA- Community Advisor- lives in the residence hall with students
LA- Leadership Advisor- lives in the hall with students, also advises hall government
NCO- Non-Commissioned Officer- Army/Navy ROTC all that jazz, but like a PA
HC- Hall Coordinator- a professional who lives and works in a hall and coordinates staff and students while handling the official business end of things
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I'M EXCITED! But there's a lot to worry about, which brings me to the title of the post.
Writing a syllabus is HARD! There's a lot to think about, and a ton of factors to take into consideration. I suppose it would be easier if you were a professor and therefore an authority on your subject and it wasn't a concern that you would sound like a moron. But since I'm teaching an Exploring Culture and Religion FIG, I'm not exactly an authority here.
Anyway, wish me luck! Here's to hoping I don't screw up too many lives!
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