Sunday, May 9, 2010

Congrats to Just About Everyone Else

So my weekend at home proved to be pretty useless in the blogging department. And I gave up on my "Once a day in May" philosophy, so we'll stick to a couple times a week, which is just sad because it doesn't rhyme.

Anyway, my sister graduated from college this weekend, which was an interesting experience for two reasons. 1) It was 50 degrees, we were in the shade, and the wind was blowing. And 2) I've never been to a college graduation before.

There was a lot of pomp and circumstance to the whole affair (although only a little of the actual song "Pomp and Circumstance. Thank God. You can only play that song 3000 times before you hate it.) There was a lot more tradition and ceremony than at a high school graduation and also a lot more recognition of alumni.

The whole thing made me very proud of my sister, because even though it has always been expected in our family to graduate from college, it is still a major accomplishment and a huge milestone in her life. Props to Kate.

Also, happy birthday to my brother who turned 20 yesterday. He's so old!
This is DJ. Apparently, he's a lover, not a fighter.

And a huge HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my mama! She's the bestest!


  1. What??? No props for your Dad??? He puts up with all of you!

  2. That would be the "JUST ABOUT" part of everyone else! You'll get your props for your birthday and father's day coming up!


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