Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Rejection, scratch that, Opportunity
Coming to Mizzou, I knew there were two things I wanted to get involved with: Summer Welcome and student staff. Summer Welcome is our freshman orientation program that last two days, and the SW Leaders are a staff of 36 who help guide students and parents through their first days on campus. Student staff positions are a lot like being an R.A. at any other college, except they also teach a class to freshman. I recently applied for both positions, and have been going through the application process for each.
When it came to Summer Welcome, I was (to say the least) a bit conflicted about staying here all summer, working from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. each day, and being constantly energetic. Although I am definitely capable of these things, there was a lot to think about. I think a large part of the appeal to me was the idea that it would be a lot like Leadership Camp, one of the best experiences of my life. So I applied, and once I made the decision to do so, I was really enthusiastic about it. My first round interview went well; no problems to speak of and I think I expressed myself well. The second round interview was a series of group activities and a few question and answers. I still have nothing to regret about that interview, and I think I did well, but I found out that night that I didn't get the position.
The weight of rejection was definitely with me at first, and I carried it around for a little bit, until I started thinking of all the things I would gain from a summer at home. In Springfield, I have the opportunity for theater, internships, and a much cheaper summer than I would have had here. Although I don't know how I feel about divine intervention and bigger plans, I definitely think that I was meant to not get SW, at least not this summer.
I started my candidate classes for P.A. (the student staff positions) today, and I am really excited for those opportunities. Today made me realize that while I was torn about SW and knew what I would do if I didn't get the job, I don't feel that way about student staff. I want to throw myself into the application process, because I know this a place I want to be. I don't have plans for what I'll do if I don't get it, even though I am very superstitious and will probably force myself to think of something before I find out in March if I got it or not.
So I think the title is really appropriate: I thought originally that I had been rejected, but perhaps, instead I have been given opportunity.
Just another day at the Zou,
The Thread!
Since the start of this school year, 15 of my friends from high school have been keeping track of each other via our epic thread. For those not familiar with Facebook, a thread is a lot like a group email, except much easier to use. The thread started out with a poem by me, about what I was feeling the night before leaving for college. After a really lame good bye to my friends, I just couldn't leave without saying something more than that. The poem is called Our Separate Ways:
All my belongings, packed into a box,
Packed up my hairbrush, a lamp, some socks,
Soon I'll be leaving the city, the state
Got somewhere to go, and I just can't be late.
And you'll be gone too, off your own separate way,
But I'll see your face again some day.
You'll be older and wiser, drunker too,
But I pray through it all, you'll still be you.
Cause you're someone worth knowing, a one of a kind,
And even though I'm leaving, you're still on my mind.
We've grown up together, never really been apart,
And now I'm a little scared because the future's gonna start.
May you learn so much more that this little place can give.
May you make new friends and learn how to live.
And in times of laughter or with tears in your eyes,
always remember these are not final goodbyes.
'Cause a friend's a friend forever, or so I've been told,
And I hope our jokes are funny, even when we're old.
The times I've spent waiting to leave this small town,
were the times with you, and I want those to stick around.
So I'll leave with good memories, erase all the mistakes,
forget the days when our friendships were at stake.
And instead I'll remember the best of our days,
even as we head our own separate ways.
Packed up my hairbrush, a lamp, some socks,
Soon I'll be leaving the city, the state
Got somewhere to go, and I just can't be late.
And you'll be gone too, off your own separate way,
But I'll see your face again some day.
You'll be older and wiser, drunker too,
But I pray through it all, you'll still be you.
Cause you're someone worth knowing, a one of a kind,
And even though I'm leaving, you're still on my mind.
We've grown up together, never really been apart,
And now I'm a little scared because the future's gonna start.
May you learn so much more that this little place can give.
May you make new friends and learn how to live.
And in times of laughter or with tears in your eyes,
always remember these are not final goodbyes.
'Cause a friend's a friend forever, or so I've been told,
And I hope our jokes are funny, even when we're old.
The times I've spent waiting to leave this small town,
were the times with you, and I want those to stick around.
So I'll leave with good memories, erase all the mistakes,
forget the days when our friendships were at stake.
And instead I'll remember the best of our days,
even as we head our own separate ways.
From this interesting beginning (my poetry is nothing to get excited about), the thread has grown into a way to share info about classes, lives, boys, feelings, stress, and much much more. Our thread has had ups and downs, and created some animosity, but I think we are all much tighter for having stuck with it.
So why blog about the thread? Well, I think the biggest thing for me has been the realization that maybe our lives won't be quite like our parents. I know most people hardly speak to their high school friends when they're adults, but I can't imagine living like that, and maybe we don't have to. Technology has made us all more connected than ever, and even if it's just a Happy Birthday, or a Merry Christmas message, I like to think I'll stay in touch with each of the lovely ladies on the thread.
Just another day at the Zou!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Why Blog?
A lot of people have blogs, but I've never really seen the attraction. But I follow a few people on this site, and finally my room mate's blog inspired me to start one. She really explores her feelings and the honest things that are happening in her life, and although I do this mentally, I think it's time I started writing it down.
Most likely, this blog will be somewhat boring at times. I'm going to try to keep it going once a week or more, as the mood strikes me. The last thing I want is for this to be a punishment to any readers, or another piece of homework for me!
So I guess a good place to start this blog is with my current viewpoint. I'm on week 2 of my second semester at Mizzou (hence the Zou thing, if you didn't get it) and I have already had lots of interesting and powerful experiences this year. Without mentioning names or anything specific, last semester I came up close and personal (though not doing anything illegal or dangerous) with: college life and freedom, philosophy, alcohol and alcoholism, immature relationships, marijuana, tattoos, hard-core drugs, death, cancer, extensive thought, self-discovery, losing religion, defining home and finding literature.
I'm not a different person than I was; I'm still Kathy (hence the use of the semicolon). But I already know that I don't think the same way I did in August, and I'm sure my view will continue to change on this amazing journey we call college. Hopefully this blog will serve as a guide to my internal changes, and a way of keeping in touch with friends and family who might not get to see these changes take place.
I'd love for anyone and everyone to follow this blog or comment, but feel free to stop by whenever you have time.
EDIT: Some people have expressed concern about the whole drugs/alcohol thing or whatever else. Let me clarify: I'm not doing anything stupid, I mean it more in an observational sense. I know quite a few people who are constantly high, and this is what I'm referring to.
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