Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Rejection, scratch that, Opportunity

Coming to Mizzou, I knew there were two things I wanted to get involved with: Summer Welcome and student staff. Summer Welcome is our freshman orientation program that last two days, and the SW Leaders are a staff of 36 who help guide students and parents through their first days on campus. Student staff positions are a lot like being an R.A. at any other college, except they also teach a class to freshman. I recently applied for both positions, and have been going through the application process for each.

When it came to Summer Welcome, I was (to say the least) a bit conflicted about staying here all summer, working from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. each day, and being constantly energetic. Although I am definitely capable of these things, there was a lot to think about. I think a large part of the appeal to me was the idea that it would be a lot like Leadership Camp, one of the best experiences of my life. So I applied, and once I made the decision to do so, I was really enthusiastic about it. My first round interview went well; no problems to speak of and I think I expressed myself well. The second round interview was a series of group activities and a few question and answers. I still have nothing to regret about that interview, and I think I did well, but I found out that night that I didn't get the position.

The weight of rejection was definitely with me at first, and I carried it around for a little bit, until I started thinking of all the things I would gain from a summer at home. In Springfield, I have the opportunity for theater, internships, and a much cheaper summer than I would have had here. Although I don't know how I feel about divine intervention and bigger plans, I definitely think that I was meant to not get SW, at least not this summer.

I started my candidate classes for P.A. (the student staff positions) today, and I am really excited for those opportunities. Today made me realize that while I was torn about SW and knew what I would do if I didn't get the job, I don't feel that way about student staff. I want to throw myself into the application process, because I know this a place I want to be. I don't have plans for what I'll do if I don't get it, even though I am very superstitious and will probably force myself to think of something before I find out in March if I got it or not.

So I think the title is really appropriate: I thought originally that I had been rejected, but perhaps, instead I have been given opportunity.

Just another day at the Zou,

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