Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Why Blog?

A lot of people have blogs, but I've never really seen the attraction. But I follow a few people on this site, and finally my room mate's blog inspired me to start one. She really explores her feelings and the honest things that are happening in her life, and although I do this mentally, I think it's time I started writing it down.

Most likely, this blog will be somewhat boring at times. I'm going to try to keep it going once a week or more, as the mood strikes me. The last thing I want is for this to be a punishment to any readers, or another piece of homework for me!

So I guess a good place to start this blog is with my current viewpoint. I'm on week 2 of my second semester at Mizzou (hence the Zou thing, if you didn't get it) and I have already had lots of interesting and powerful experiences this year. Without mentioning names or anything specific, last semester I came up close and personal (though not doing anything illegal or dangerous) with: college life and freedom, philosophy, alcohol and alcoholism, immature relationships, marijuana, tattoos, hard-core drugs, death, cancer, extensive thought, self-discovery, losing religion, defining home and finding literature.

I'm not a different person than I was; I'm still Kathy (hence the use of the semicolon). But I already know that I don't think the same way I did in August, and I'm sure my view will continue to change on this amazing journey we call college. Hopefully this blog will serve as a guide to my internal changes, and a way of keeping in touch with friends and family who might not get to see these changes take place.

I'd love for anyone and everyone to follow this blog or comment, but feel free to stop by whenever you have time.

EDIT: Some people have expressed concern about the whole drugs/alcohol thing or whatever else. Let me clarify: I'm not doing anything stupid, I mean it more in an observational sense. I know quite a few people who are constantly high, and this is what I'm referring to.

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