Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Lone Wolf

This is poem I like to call "The Lone Wolf"

Riding in the underground
Everybody stares
The faces are nameless
And I don’t really care

Wrapped up in this mask
And hiding my face
The world through a screen
Is a different place

This one has the courage
To be the black sheep
But beneath his makeup
He won’t make a peep

A sea full of uniqueness
And each one the same
The oddball has rules
But it’s still the same game

A black sheep is different
But still a sheep in the crowd
Who among them has courage
To be the lone wolf?

As I've said before I'm not much of a poet, but I am actually really proud of this one because of the character created. I think it could be more elaborate, but I wrote it from the view of a Middle-eastern woman riding the London underground. Her view of the world is different than mine, and I enjoy stepping into her perspective. I think one of the most challenging things for me, with poetry or writing, is to think outside of my own head. Many of these thoughts are still my own; the black sheep thing in particular is something I have often pondered. But I think the objective point of view of this woman is fascinating.

Just another day at the Zou,

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