Sunday, March 7, 2010

One Page of Me

So over the last couple weeks I have been refining my resume, working into a professional document and getting it down to one page. Basically, this means I have spent a lot of time looking at my own experience and trying to make it sound awesome.

It's very interesting to have to widdle down these last 18 years of my life into a single page. What things have I learned that an employer might be looking for? What have I accomplished? Answering these questions has been challenging to say the least, and I think my resume, though entirely truthful, comes off as a very polished version of me. And I am definitely not polished.

Why is it that society expects us to prove who we are and what we can do on one piece of paper? I know very few people who I could sum up in so short a space, and it's even harder doing that to myself.

Just a bit of what's going on in my life. On the plus side, I'm going home this weekend for Muni auditions and friends and the musical and PUPPIES! I miss nothing about home so much as I miss my beautiful dogs, Flash and Opal. That's why their pictures are at the bottom of the right hand side! Check them out!

p.s. I pretty much think the title of this blog is awesome. I should definitely copy right that and make it into a book. I'm thinking very "Spoon River Anthology"-esque where each person gets a single page for their story. Hmmm...

1 comment:

  1. I'm having major issues with the resume thing myself. It is nearly impossible to sell yourself on one page, and with all the competition for jobs right now, its even harder. I vote we switch to video resumes. Let me tell you why I'm awesome.


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