Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Racing to the Finish

Tomorrow morning, I have 35 one-page journals due for my Middle Ages class. Here's a run down of what my evening looked like:

8:10- 17 journals remaining
8:17- 1 down
8:18- Begin conversation with Annie Dirks
8:26- Force myself to resume work.
8:42- Two more done, only 14 left. I’m in the twenties!
8:54- One more done. 4 for the hour. Moving to the library, too loud here.
9:18- Finally found a new location. Club Ellis is rockin’. 1 more journal down.
9:27- 1 more down. I am on a role here!
9:43- Two more down in 15 minutes. I’m beginning to have hope that I might get to sleep this evening.
10:02- 25 down! Success! The end is near!
10:23- two more done. Midnight looks like a good timeframe right now.
10:41- 29 down, starting magical number 30 right now!
11:02- two more, TWO MORE!!
11:21- only some minor revisions left…
11:24- SUCCESS!!! It’s all over folks, I’ve done it!

1 comment:

  1. What role were you on? Best Procrastinating Actress? I know... Biggest LOSER.

    Perhaps doing the ONE PAGE journals over the course of the SEMESTER would have been a better ROLE for a student?

    You're on a ROLL. You play a role.

    In the immortal words of Red Forman...



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